
Hong Kong core partner ELM team visited ZStack China HQ

2023-07-27 15:14


Group photo of ZStack & ELM team

We are thrilled to share that a delegation of 9 representatives including Management, Sales & Technical from ELM Computer Technologies Limited (ELM) in Hong Kong which led by Kevin Hu, General Manager of ELM, visited ZStack HQ in Shanghai to meet with Mr Zhang Xin, Founder & CEO of ZStack, Mr Frank Xiao, Partner & EVP of Sales, together with Keith Poon, Star Guo, Adrian Hui & teammates. Our Founder Mr Zhang introduced the company profile & product details as well as awards & recognitions gained in China communities. He also shared interesting startup stories in good old days to ELM team! The experience flooded them with cherished memories! Kevin Hu, Mokky Mok and teammates attentively listened to the sharing and provided responses which further strengthened the partnership with ZStack team.


(From left to right): Keith Poon (ZStack), Mokky Mok (ELM), Mr Zhang Xin (ZStack), Kevin Hu (ELM), Mr Frank Xiao (ZStack)

It was a fruitful visit and meeting and we hope that ELM team can continue to act as a bridge between the customers and different sectors, providing opportunities & suggestions to further develop mutual business network. Team ZStack International will do our best to facilitate this core partnership to go even further beyond!


Mr Zhang Xin, Founder & CEO of ZStack (Left 5) presented ZCCC certificates to Sales Directors & Senior Sales executives of ELM


Mr Zhang Xin, Founder & CEO of ZStack (right 1) introduced ZStack's company profile & product details as well as awards & recognitions gained in China communities

We would like to express our gratitude to Kevin Hu, Mokky Mok & Wilson Wong for their fully support, which made the visit process smooth and fruitful. And our appreciation goes to Sales team of ELM for their strongly support along the way. 5 of them including SalesDirectors and Senior Sales professionals are eager to learn more about ZStack products through training! We are grateful to have our Founder Mr Zhang to present the certificates of ZStack Cloud Computing Consultant (ZCCC) to these Sales executives!

Meanwhile, we would also like to thank our Founder & CEO Mr Zhang Xin for attentively listening to the voices of international teammates and explaining in details the ZStack strategies, product details & recent status of partner network to ELM team. We look forward to arranging visits to other partners on behalf of ZStack International in the near future. Stay tuned!

For inquiries, please feel free to contact us


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